Create User

Create New SSH User and add to Sudoers File

This will create the user, setup the password and open up the sudoers file for editing.

$ useradd <username>
$ passwd <username>
$ vi /etc/sudoers

Add your new user below the line where the “root” user is defined.

root          ALL=(ALL)       ALL
<username>    ALL=(ALL)       ALL

Setup Public/Private Key Pair

This is optional, but is a good idea.


Add a Little Security

Use a Non-Standard Port

Port 22 and 2222 are some of the most commonly used.  Try something else, especially something higher than 1024. Yes, this is just a little security by obscurity, but it helps cut down on a lot of attacks. Just don’t get too complacent thinking this will solve all your hacking issues.

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add a line like this…

# Run ssh on a non-standard port:
Port 2345  #Change me

Restart sshd service…

$ service sshd start


Next Steps

  1. Setup a LAMP Stack on CentOS
  2. Install git…
    sudo yum install git
  3. Install unzip…
    sudo yum install unzip
  4. Change your hostname
  5. Anything else that suits your fancy
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