We are not able to control the order of the sign-up sheets on the sign-up page despite changing the settings and publish date / times of each event. This is the case even if all other plugins are disabled.
Hi Anthony, so sorry to hear you are having trouble. The sorting by date uses the sheet date field (or task dates if using the Pro version and they are configured for that sheet). Can you verify if these are the dates you are referring to? You can find a screenshot and more details about the sorting feature at the Sign-up Sheets Settings Documentation (Sheet Order on Front-end.
If you are still seeing an issue, can you provide a link to the listing you are referring to? If you prefer not to share it publicly, you can just check the box “Set as private reply” prior to submitting your reply.
I see, I thought the sheets were like posts in that the order was determined by the publish date.
We have the Pro version and have it set to sort the sheets by task date. So, I assume for several sheets that have the same range of dates, it isn’t possible to specify the order of those sheets?
I reviewed the sorting logic more closely and I believe it should function the way you describe. If you have your sorting set by “Date” it should use the end date of the sheet/task range and if the end dates are the same for more than one sheet it will fallback to the date the sheet was published. Can you verify and let me know if you are seeing this work differently on your end?
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Fetch Designs.
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Fetch Designs.