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  • #3653
    Tracy Bogard

    With the free version of sign-up sheets we were able to easily export to CSV by clicking on the button. Now we (=authorized roles to manage signup sheets) are not getting any response when we click on the button. I double checked the roles to be certain but they seem correct (plus they are the same as before the upgrade).
    Any suggestions besides the obvious “install a CSV plugin”? I’d prefer to use the native ability of the app if that functionality is associated with Sign-up sheets. Thanks!

    Tracy Bogard

    Ok, fixed my own problem. YAY! Turns out you do the CSV export from the EDIT mode, not the management mode.

    Maybe because this is a function provided via the innate functionality of Fetch’s Sign-Up Sheet plugin vs using a “helper” function
    via WordPress.

    (I didn’t remove this in case anyone else runs into this issue)

    Fetch Designs

    Hi Tracy! Yes, this is a known issue with the 2.2.10 version of the plugin which will be fixed with the next release. The current workaround is to use the export link on the Manage Sign-ups page.

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