The European Union’s (EU) regulations regarding privacy and consent went into place May 25, 2018. Here are some highlights of things you can do with the Sign-up Sheets Pro WordPress Plugin to help comply with GDPR.
We recommend consulting with your lawyer for the implications and interpretation of GDPR compliance as it relates to your site, but here are some tips that may be helpful for implementing compliance on your site with regards to the Sign-up Sheets Pro WordPress Plugin.We recommend consulting with your lawyer for the implications and interpretation of GDPR compliance as it relates to your site, but here are some tips that may be helpful for implementing compliance on your site with regards to the Sign-up Sheets Pro WordPress Plugin.
Since users are submitting their PII (personally identifiable information) into a sign-up sheet, you can get their consent by adding a checkbox on the form with verbiage stating they consent to how you will use their data, such as “I consent to the privacy policy”. You can add this using a Custom Sign-up Field within Sign-up Sheets > Setting > Sign-up Form. (Pro version)
Export Personal Data
As of version 2.2.3, the Sign-up Sheets plugin supports the WordPress functionality to export all data by email. In the admin, go to Tools > Export Personal Data, enter the email for the user you want to export data. This will allow you to generate and send a report of personal data (including all sign-up form fields they submitted) that is in your database related to that email address.
Erase Personal Data
If a user contacts you to remove their personal data from your website, you an go to each sheet they signed up for and use the “clear spot” functionality to remove their data.
As of version 2.2.3, the Sign-up Sheets plugin supports the WordPress functionality to erase all data by email. In the admin, go to Tools > Erase Personal Data, enter the email for the user you want to erase data. Processing the erase will remove all signups associated with that email address.
We are not lawyers so as stated above, please consult with your legal advisor for the specific implications of GDPR as it relates to sign-up sheets on your website.
Learn more about WordPress privacy features at the WordPress 4.9.6 Privacy and Maintenance Release.