Added setting to clear cache on specific post IDs when a sign-up occurs.
Added [sign_up_spot_count] shortcode.
Updated [sign_up_sheet] shortcode to allow category_slug attribute to accept multiple categories as comma-separated string.
Fixed conflict when using both the Task Checkbox and Task Date feature on the same sheet which was throwing the "This sign-up can no longer be edited" error on new sign-ups.
Fixed CAPTCHA error on sign-up when using reCAPTCHA with the Task Checkbox feature when multiple tasks are signed up for at the same time.
Fixed bug with Divi theme's Smooth Scroll feature conflicting with the Auto-Scroll sign-up link hash feature.
Fixed error on Manage Sign-ups edit form in admin due to sign-up-link auto-scrolling feature missing variable.
Fixed 'and' conjunction to be translatable when it's output to list the tasks names on the sign-up form if there are more than one when using the task checkbox feature.
Fixed spot lock immediate expiration message when Auto-Scroll to Sheet feature is also enabled
2.2.13 | 2024-07-19
Added Sign-up link auto-scrolling with a hash so that when clicking the sign-up links/buttons the user is taking right to the form no matter how much content you put before the sign-up sheet. This can be disabled in the admin under Sign-up Sheets > Settings > Sign-up Form > Disable sign-up link auto-scroll to sheet
Fixed issue where non-logged-in user could submit a sign-up and assign it to another user's account.
Fixed XSS issue in admin on Help page email test form and added some additional URL sanitization throughout the plugin.
Fixed missing rel="noreferrer" on target="_blank" instances and removed some instances that were not needed to improve accessibility/usability.
Fixed PHP deprecated error when non-string or empty string is passed to strpos
Fixed PHP syntax error with unexpected ')' for PHP versions prior to 7.3
2.2.12 | 2024-03-03
Added support for reCAPTCHA v3
Added support for the Breeze caching plugin
Added classes "wp-block-button__link wp-element-button" on buttons
Added workaround to support GoodLayers theme content not displaying on automatically-generated sheet pages
Fixed copy sheet action to include nonce for security
Fixed default table styles on [user_sign_ups] shortcode to match other tables
Fixed postboxes on Settings page to retain sorting and open/close status per user
Fixed custom sign-up field bug where field that included "signup_" in the slug wouldn't allow saving the value properly
Fixed FDSUS_DISABLE_MIGRATE_2_0_to_2_1 to prevent more unnecessary migration logic from running | 2023-09-25
Fixed bug that was throwing PHP Warning on some installs
Fixed invisible reCAPTCHA which was incorrectly showing the simple CAPTCHA as well
2.2.11 | 2023-09-24
Added ability for logged-in users to edit their own sign-ups on the frontend and configuration option to set timeframe when it's available.
Added caching support for sign-up updates
Added [user_sign_ups] shortcode to allow displaying list of their own sign-ups for logged-in users.
Added option for front-end display name to show either the Public Display Name, Nickname or Username for users that were logged in when they signed up.
Added .fdsus-signup-cta class to the sign-up links on the sheet pages and sheet listing pages
Added ability to show removal link for users that signed up prior to having the feature enabled (such as users upgrading from the free version)
Updated removal link text to an icon and added the fdsus_removal_link_contents filter to allow for customization.
Updated license check prevent an admin message if there is an error trying to check the license on the first attempt and added a more helpful error if the error persists on a second attempt or if the error is throw while trying to activate a new license
Fixed error blocking user from signing up for a task that didn't have a task date, when all the other tasks on that sheet with dates had passed.
Fixed performance on sheet page due to inefficiencies in Compact Mode checks and TaskCollections
Fixed broken "Export as CSV" link on "Manage Sign-ups" page
Fixed reCAPTCHA invisible (v2) form submit error
Fixed Gutenberg block toggle for list_title_is_category where it wasn't saving the toggle value
Fixed issue on sign-up form where the values for custom fields with hyphens in the slug aren't re-populated in the form if the form is submitted and an error is returned.
Fixed deprecation notices for PHP 8
2.2.10 | 2023-07-26
Added support for the WP Fastest Cache plugin
Added sign-up User ID column to export files
Fixed broken "Export Sheet as CSV" link bug introduced in version 2.2.9
2.2.9 | 2023-07-20
Added ability to edit existing and add new sign-ups in admin on Manage Sign-ups page
Added Auto-Clear feature to optionally delete all sign-ups on a sheet on a schedule
Fixed CSRF security validation with admin settings page
Fixed extra space being added on textarea type custom sign-up fields
Fixed "Undefined array key" warning in logs on custom fields on sign-up form page
Removed unused database call on Help page
2.2.8 | 2023-04-19
Added sign-up dates and assigned users on Manage Sign-ups page in admin
Fixed bug with new sorting feature from 2.2.7 causing a fatal error when running on PHP 7.4 and earlier
2.2.7 | 2023-04-16
Added semi-compact mode display option
Added toggle on the main Settings page to disable the confirmation email and removal confirmation emails from being sent
Added new sheet listing order options of descending order for date or sheet ID
Added ability to reset all Sign-up Sheets global settings back to default values
Added support for the Loco Translate plugin
Added translation support to the admin Help page
Added FDSUS_DISABLE_MIGRATE_2_0_to_2_1 constant to allow disabling the migration process if needed
Updated styles to allow horizontal scrolling for sheet's task listing table content extends past smaller screens such as on mobile
Updated licensing logic for PHP 8.2 compatibility
Updated spot number text to be translatable (Ex: "#1:")
Updated Help page "System Information" and moved it to the main WordPress Site Health Info page
Fixed bug where self-removal link doesn't appear on sheet if "Front-end Display Names" is set to "full name"
Fixed bug where removed sign-ups don't flush 3rd party cache plugins
Fixed some instances of deprecated functionality for PHP 8.2
Fixed confirmation email issue with missing removal link and other sign-up user info variables when W3 Total Cache Database Cache is enabled
Fixed bug where self-removal link was showing up next to anonymous sign-ups
2.2.6 | 2022-11-19
Fixed translations in admin related to custom post type names and "At a Glance" on dashboard
Added additional validation on sign-up if sheet or task are no longer active
Updated "session" cookie to use proper COOKIEPATH and COOKIE_DOMAIN in setcookie(), remove cookie on kill(), and clean up setcookie only if headers aren't already sent
Fixed spacing to improve accessibility in success/error messages to separate alt text on icons from the subsequent messaging
Fixed conflict with reCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox from validating if disabled in SUS, but another reCAPTCHA exists outside the SUS plugin.
Updated sign-up form check to prevent double submissions to clear after 3 seconds to allow re-submission
2.2.5 | 2022-09-23
Fixed issue preventing excerpts from displaying
2.2.4 | 2022-09-11
Added option to disable the logged-in user auto-populate of name and email on the sign-up form
Added missing translations for 'Yes, Remove Me'
Updated messaging to be more clear if sign-up removal is successful, but removal confirmation email fails to send
Fixed conflict on the_title filter to prevent errors if other plugins/themes do not include the required ID argument
Fixed sign-up form from failing if only mail sending errors out after sign-up is successful
Fixed notices from appearing when submitting sign-up form when get_the_excerpt is used prior
Fixed issue where custom task fields with hyphens aren't sending value on confirmation emails
Fixed bug with validation if no checkboxes are checked when using the Task Checkbox feature with more than one sheet on a page
Fixed missing right arrow in Safari after "View & sign-up" on sheet listing
2.2.3 | 2022-04-09
Added privacy improvements to integrate sign-ups with the WP Export and Erase Personal Data functionality
Added ability to remove email address from sign-up form
Updated setting page save to prevent conflicts
Fixed bug where user roles that don't have access to read sign-up sheets and manage_options are prevented from viewing admin pages (such a subscribers viewing their admin dashboard)
2.2.2 | 2022-03-19
Added support for LightSpeed Cache
Added admin dashboard "At a Glance" item for Sign-up Sheets
Updated translations to include escape for improved security
Updated color of sort icon when editing tasks on Edit Sheet page to improve accessibility
Fixed bug when using Sign-up Success Message Receipt with a timezone set as UTC
Fixed task date display on multi-signups when using the multi-signup checkbox feature
2.2.1 | 2022-02-26
Added Sign-up Sheets Gutenberg Block
Updated "View & sign-up" links on sheet page to improve accessibility for screen readers
Fixed compatibility issue with block themes like Twenty Twenty-Two
Fixed admin update notifications
Fixed issue with reCAPTCHA in case-sensitive file systems
Fixed JS console error when not on sign-up form
Fixed missing settings link on plugin listing page
Fixed SUS Manager Role on activation | 2022-02-01
Fixed error when opening theme customizer and various other admin tasks
Fixed missing table borders on some themes
2.2 | 2022-01-30
Added option to switch between reCAPTCHA v2 "checkbox" or "invisible"
Added empty spot rows to All Sheets export
Added custom fields to All Sheets export
Added accessibility improvements to task table
Added required attribute to applicable fields in sign-up form
Added View and Edit Sheet links on Manage Sign-ups pages for easier access between screens
Added minification on frontend JS file for improved performance
Added ability to modify States dropdown via the "fdsus_states" filter
Updated required field error messaging to list field names that are missing to make it more clear
Fixed Spot Lock
Fixed Task Copy which was copying empty rows if more than 10
Fixed Task Copy of checkbox custom fields
Fixed issue with custom checkboxes fields not selecting the right box on the sheet edit screen when clicking on the label instead of the checkbox
Fixed some issues with data migration performance on re-run
Fixed export to exclude sheets with zero tasks
Fixed sheet listing query to isolate only sheet post types
Fixed compatibility with PHP pre-5.5 to prevent fatal error on sign-up success
Fixed Settings link on Plugins page to use admin scheme instead of forcing https
Updated to require a minimum of WordPress 5.5+
Fixed sanitization security issue
Fixed admin load time if license key check fails
Fixed "Plugin Homepage" link
Added link to support forum on Help page
Added a few missing translation texts
Added Custom Sign-up Fields to the Email Confirmation template {signup_details} variable
Added option for sign-up receipt on success message
Added body class "dlssus_signup-success" if signup is successful
Added date field type for custom sign-up fields
Added sheet ID to the edit sheet page for easier identification
Fixed conflict with Yoast SEO hiding notices on frontend
Fixed conflict with Gravity Forms throwing PHP error and breaking styles on form admin pages
Fixed bug with export where leaving a custom task field empty would misalign values in the wrong columns
Fixed PHP notice if zip code field is visible but not posted yet
Fixed Help page "Email Test" bounced message functionality
Added support for WP-Optimize cache flushing after sign-up
Added quick links for "Manage Sign-ups" and "Export Sheet" on Edit Sheet page
Fixed users being prevented from signing up for the same tasks more than once as well as some success and error notices not appearing
Fixed some non-published sheets from displaying on frontend if declared with shortcode
Fixed too much spacing below email field when Gutenberg styles were loaded and MailCheck is enabled
Fixed spacing between sign-up form fields on themes that clear out padding on paragraph tags like Twenty Twenty-One
Fixed bug with recaptcha breaking page load if Yoast is activate and no recaptcha keys are present
Fixed color on sheet ID on All Sign-up Sheets listing in admin to make it more visible
Added documentation on additional variable for email templates: signup_firstname/lastname/email
Added a couple missing text strings to the translation file
Updated mailcheck feature to include simple email format validator alert and improved the alert accessibility to notify screenreaders if it makes a suggestion
Added special HTML 5.2 autocomplete values on sign-up form primary fields like name, email, phone and address
Sanitized listing title
Fixed debugging on tasks
Added feature to allow showing the names and count of filled spots on a task on the Edit Sheet screen in the admin
Fixed "Clear Spot" nonce error on individual links in admin "Manage Sign-ups" pages
Fixed custom task fields that are set on only specific sheet IDs so they are visible on sheet edit screen
Updated translations to account for words generated within confirmation email as well as cleaned up some html from other various translatable strings
Updated email template notes on Settings page to include available variables
Removed use of FontAwesome in admin
Updated single sheet pages to stay active even after sheet date passes instead of throwing a 404 error
Fixed sorting/expanding of sections on Settings page (compatibility with WP 5.5)
Fixed Spot Lock availability check specificity to prevent counting more spots filled than there should be
Fixed error message if deleting a task that has at least one spot already taken
Updated sheet and task display pages to greatly improve theme compatibility. Deprecated single-dlssus_sheet.php and single-dlssus_task.php
Updated Settings page custom fields Sheet selection multi-dropdown to allow searching as well as easier viewing of long sheet names
Fixed "Use task dates" checkbox compatibility with WP 5.5
Fixed migration to account for zero max_execution_time where migration shows stuck at 0%
Fixed styling of Settings page for WP 5.5 compatibility
Added .dls-sus-spot-num CSS class around spot number on sign-up sheet page.
Updated sheet listing on frontend to run faster with larger datasets
Fixed SUS Manager Role
Fixed ability to signup for private sheet
Fixed mailcheck to only load script when enabled
Fixed compact mode throwing PHP fatal error in some setups
Fixed error messages if you try to remove a task with signups or reduce it to less than the current number of signups
Updated to add compatibility for PHP 5.4+ for legacy customers
Added support for Virtue theme by Kadence WP
Fixed important bug where when emptying the sign-up sheet trash it would delete tasks/signups from active sheets
Fixed bug with rewrites not flushing causing Sheet pages to throw a 404
Fixed issue getting additional task data in certain circumstances
Added ability for users who are logged in when they sign up to remove themselves from a spot by using a "Remove" link next to the sign-up on the frontend
Added saving of user id on signup as a meta field
Added checkboxes on Manage Sign-ups for clearing spots
Added nonces on sign-up form and manage signups page for improved security
Added auto-fill of first name, last name and email for users who are logged in (remember me feature overrides these values when set)
Fixed bug with shortcode using category_slug and category_id
Fixed archive template for categories
Fixed copy sheet functionality
Fixed bug with using id attribute of shortcode for post-2.1.x version sheets
Fixed bug on settings page not allowing expanding of sections for some users
Fixed migration duplication bug
Added performance enhancements and logging for the migration
Updated deprecated code
Improved theme compatibility with WP Themes
Added theme support for the following themes... Divi, Petal, Jevelin, Enfold
Added POT file to allow translations
Fixed PHP Notice on Compact Mode
Fixed admin update notices
Updated export to not be called directly
Cleaned up codebase
Fixed broken Settings URL
Updated linking to Fetch Designs
Fixed PHP notices
Added category and address fields to CSV exports
Added mailcheck to try and alert for possible mis-typed email addresses
Added support for clearing sheet cache when a sign-up is added if using W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache
Added ability for signups to be exported via built in WordPress export feature
Updated task tables in admin to be more responsive for smaller screens
Updated CSS/JS to only be called on pages running SUS content
Fixed date display on sign-up form if using task dates
Fixed date fields mixup between task and sheet dates on export
Fixed sorting by sheet date in admin grid
Fixed custom fields and override text from adding slashes on apostrophes and quotes
Fixed plugins page Settings link and Re-run migration button for sites running in a subfolder
Fixed PHP Notices on 404 pages when spot lock is enabled
Fixed copying of tasks in admin to properly duplicate custom task field values (textarea, checkbox, radio)
Fixed signup submit button to help prevent double submission if double clicked
Fixed syntax error on PHP versions earlier than 5.3
Fixed timepicker conflict with certain plugins
Fixed slowness in admin for some users
Fixed migrate prepare
Fixed removal link output and added confirmation prior to removal
Fixed datepicker formatting and default value
Fixed task/headers from not always incrementing properly on save causing some to be ignored
Fixed license check issues and removed frontend license message
Added ability to extend plugin to add custom task actions
Updated default sheet sort order to use task end date.
Updated signup removal process to use hook instead of remove.php file.
Added option to set sheet sort order. Post ID or date.
Fixed javascript split error shown on some admin pages.
Fixed license not found error on sheet page.
Updated to use custom post types for sheets, tasks and signups (includes a lot of the newly added features)
Updated admin icon to use icon font
Added a Spot Lock option to hold spots for users while they are filling out their signup form
Added post statuses for sheets
Added ability to schedule publishing of sheets
Added WordPress friendly template files for sheets